The finest materials and design-for-purpose custom components give the most beautiful and longest lasting smile
We use the finest ceramic systems, composites and a wide range of superb alloys selected to best suit each case. We won't compromise on value because longevity of daily function and superb aesthetics in the mouth is our priority. You can rest assured we use the best brands and suppliers in the dental industry for biocompatibility, performance and superior finish. Giving you peace of mind.
Some of the brands and products we're proud to work with include:
Ceramic and Porcelain: Emax - Ivoclar Vivadent; GC LiSi; Creation CC and Zi-CT
Metal Alloys: Bego Alloys
Scanners: 3Shape; Nobel Procera;
Implant Systems: Nobel Biocare; Straumann; Atlantis - Dentsply Sirona; Astra; Southern; Biohorizons; Zimmer Biomet; MIS
Laboratory Partners: Pacific Dental; Renfert; Alphabond; Ivoclar Vivodent; Impulsedent; Henry Schein Halas