A predictably secure way to restore smile function and aesthetics

Implants securely embed or plant a structure within another structure. Implants are commonly used in medicine for all manner of reasons. In dentistry, they function like prosthetic teeth roots firmly anchored within the jaw, allowing for implant teeth to replace the missing one(s).

We construct implant crowns, bridges, hybrid dentures and custom components to replace teeth and provide a fixed functional and aesthetic smile solution for your long term success and happiness. Say goodbye to annoying removable dentures!

We work with all quality implant systems, create custom abutments and bars and can provide angulated screw channel correction. We do PIB (Procera Implant Bridge) upgrades in zirconia and PFM.

LOOK at some of our finest implant work below


Lower anterior central teeth implant crowns replicating age appropriate characteristics for an older client in a highly visible area

Lower anterior central teeth implant crowns replicating age appropriate characteristics for an older client in a highly visible area

Implant supported bridge with gold alloy abutments

Implant supported bridge with gold alloy abutments