Enhancing and replacing tooth structure for the most satisfying smile every day
Traditionally, and most notably, a crown is an ornate headdress often worn by nobility. In dentistry, a crown represents the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth.
A veneer is a facade, laminate or veil that masks or covers an underlying surface. In dentistry, a veneer covers a visible tooth surface.
Unfortunately through age, use and disease, a tooth crown can become broken down. Or sometimes teeth fail to develop properly.
As dental technicians, we specialise in creating life-like crowns, veneers and indirect restorations (inlays and onlays) using the latest technologies and finest materials, giving you a smile to wear proudly and teeth to use confidently.
We do the following veneers: feldspathic; layered Emax and LiSi (Lithium Disilicate); monolithic
We do the following crowns: all ceramic; layered and monolithic Emax and LiSi; layered and monolithic zirconia; all porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM); full gold
view examples of our crown, veneer & indirect restorative work below