Enhancing and replacing tooth structure for the most satisfying smile every day

Traditionally, and most notably, a crown is an ornate headdress often worn by nobility. In dentistry, a crown represents the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth.

A veneer is a facade, laminate or veil that masks or covers an underlying surface. In dentistry, a veneer covers a visible tooth surface.

Unfortunately through age, use and disease, a tooth crown can become broken down. Or sometimes teeth fail to develop properly. 

As dental technicians, we specialise in creating life-like crowns, veneers and indirect restorations (inlays and onlays) using the latest technologies and finest materials, giving you a smile to wear proudly and teeth to use confidently.

We do the following veneers: feldspathic; layered Emax and LiSi (Lithium Disilicate); monolithic

We do the following crowns: all ceramic; layered and monolithic Emax and LiSi; layered and monolithic zirconia; all porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM); full gold

view examples of our crown, veneer & indirect restorative work below 


We apply skill and artistry to make our crowns as life-like as possible - recreating the fine layers and textures of natural teeth

We apply skill and artistry to make our crowns as life-like as possible - recreating the fine layers and textures of natural teeth

We take the time to recreate the finest natural tooth details such as the precision contacts of this monolithic molar crown for ease of seating and to prevent food catching between teeth in daily use.

We take the time to recreate the finest natural tooth details such as the precision contacts of this monolithic molar crown for ease of seating and to prevent food catching between teeth in daily use.

We can tailor bespoke features to uniquely personalise your teeth - such as a gold inlay within a crown for some statement bling

We can tailor bespoke features to uniquely personalise your teeth - such as a gold inlay within a crown for some statement bling

Replacing direct composite with beautifully sculpted porcelain such as these perfectly matched upper anterior teeth brings us as much joy as it does our clients

Replacing direct composite with beautifully sculpted porcelain such as these perfectly matched upper anterior teeth brings us as much joy as it does our clients