All cases show before and after dental smile makeovers created by Fusion Oral Art.

Images are shown with permission of clients. Images are either our own, or courtesy of the referring dental professional or patient who engaged our services. Reproduction allowed with full credit @FusionOralArt.

Case A

Layered Emax veneers to improve colour and close diastema

Case B

Layered Emax crowns and veneers to replace composite filled teeth, improve colour and align teeth


Layered Emax veneers to improve vertical and tooth loss from erosion

Case D

Feldspathic veneers to lengthen and align teeth and improve colour

Case E

Feldspathic veneers to lengthen and mask chipped worn teeth and improve colour after gum lift

case f

PFM implant-supported bridge to replace removable denture and upper four anterior teeth

I’m motivated to help people to restore their capability to eat and smile confidently.
— Alex Young San Yun, Dental Technician at Fusion Oral Art